
CLL Topics Updates is dedicated to the education and empowerment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients and their caregivers. If you want to learn more about CLL, its therapy options, prognostics, potential complications, interesting clinical trials and cutting-edge research, we can help. We are not affiliated with any company or institution in the healthcare business. Please take a few minutes to learn more about us and our mission.

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Chaya Venkat
President, CLL Topics

Newly diagnosed?

CLL can be a very confusing disease. Newly diagnosed patients can use a little extra help understanding the jargon and making sense of their choices. This page is just for you. It has information we think you can use right away.

Recent Articles

Date Article
09/22/2023 Dr. Chaya R. Venkat, 1948-2023

Dr. Chaya Rao Venkat, wife, mother, daughter, scientist, and patient advocate, passed away on September 20th, 2023, at her home in Rancho Mirage, California. The cause of death was heart disease. She was 74 years old.

02/11/2021 Bleeding problems – after COVID-19 vaccine shot

This is a very early head’s up.  Things are moving so fast that sometimes I have to alert you with information that might be a little bit premature.  Please take that into account as you read this alert.

01/30/2021 Vaccines, Variants and “Viral” therapies

This article is an editorial. My advice to you about COVID-19 vaccines, mutant strains, and “viral” therapies — along with action items to help you survive this pandemic.

01/25/2021 Mental Health

Mental health is a topic that should be at the forefront of the conversation.

01/17/2021 COVID-19 Therapy Options – Monoclonals

We discussed Remdesivir and convalescent plasma in the previous article. In this continuation of the topic, we will discuss monoclonal antibody cocktail(s).

01/09/2021 COVID-19 Therapy Options – 1

In this and the next article I will discuss the various therapy options presently available to us, should you get infected with COVID-19 in spite of your best efforts.

01/02/2021 Avoiding COVID-19 Infection

COVID-19 and immune compromised patients: I have something to say, advice that I think could be a game changer for you. How can I stay silent?
